Entering the Month of Elul: Preparing for Messiah’s Return
After a world changing pandemic, I find my greatest peace in remembering that the God of the Universe is a promise keeping God. He promises to save...
After a world changing pandemic, I find my greatest peace in remembering that the God of the Universe is a promise keeping God. He promises to save...
Have you ever ignored God’s direct instruction only to find yourself underwater financially or – worse yet – cramped into a tight, dark and smelly ...
The Jewish High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are coming up in the next few weeks. Pop culture, greeting cards, and special sales at th...
A Mezuzah is a small parchment scroll upon which the Hebrew words of the Sh’ma and the V’ahavtah are handwritten by a Scribe. Mezuzah scrolls are c...
Children’s Books do more than just capture your little one’s attention, they write a narrative and build your child’s worldview over time. Blend...
Affectionately known as the Biblelady, Daniah Greenberg joins Jonathan Bernis this week on Jewish Voice to share more GOOD NEWS about Yeshua’s salv...
The Young Messianic Jewish Alliance (YMJA) is a national Messianic Jewish youth organization for young people, ages 13-30. They exist as the youth ...
Did you know you can support the TLV while shopping at Amazon? And it doesn’t cost you anything extra. Everyone wins! Here’s what to do. Wh...
Received, recorded, and preserved by the Jewish people, God’s Word has been safeguarded for thousands of generations on ancient scrolls. In partner...
Purim commemorates God saving the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman’s plot “to destroy, slay, and annihilate all the Jews – from the youth...
The Bible is gathering Nations and building God’s Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven! I can feel it in my bones. Hallelujah! Our God is on the mov...
God created our eyes and minds to see and interpret color. He uses color to warn us, invite us, and promise us. Even in nature, color tells a story...