Based on 199 reviews
I Love it ❤️

I began using it through YouVersion. It is presently my favorite. Thank you for it's initiative. Again I say, I love it. Blessings.

Jeff Cromer

My go to scripture translation and I have dozens! Thank you for all your efforts!

Great Commentary and Dimensions

The dimensions of this Bible are super close to the thinline edition so if you are worried about thickness, then no worries. It is absolutely comfortable to hold in one’s hand. Also the gold on the cover will not easily rub off because it is a sort of bonded leather overlaid on a flexible board.

Lastly, the commentary on the Psalms are very insightful and well balanced. They include personal testimonies of the commentators that help to relate how a theme in a psalm played out in their lives. The commentary also offers insight into the meaning of the underlying Hebrew.

It is a great beginner’s Bible for anyone wanting to start to dive into the liturgical aspect of Messianic Judaism because in Messianic and Orthodox prayerbooks they use the psalms heavily. But many prayerbooks don’t offer commentary or extra explanations on the psalms one is reading/ praying at certain times of the day. So this is a nice addition to one’s prayer routine.

I like to read psalms 5 and 30 in the morning and then I go to the back and look for additional insight on these.

Overall a great resource to use to enrich prayer life. And the translation does an amazing job on the Scriptures read during a Messianic Synagogue service such as using the term Yom Shabbat in Exodus 20.

A piece of artwork

This was a gift that I sent to a family member.
I have several TLV Bibles they are a blessing and have helped me learn more and have a better understanding of my Jewish roots.

A beautiful blessing

I love my bible. Elohim is using this translation to show me new truths and to give me a new passion for his Word. I was a little concerned because I have low vision and thought I might end up needing the large print. But this print is so clear and the pages aren't as thin as some. In short I love this! Shalom shalom and thank you

TLV Bible w/ 52 Treasures, " I'm Yours! Body, Mind and Soul"

At the tender age of 77 years, I read the KJV Bible from cover to cover for the first time in my life. This year at the mature age of 78 years, I am reading the TLV Bible w/ 52 Treasures through and through. I feel blessed, as though I am in a sukkah w/ the LORD, Ben Elohim and Ruach Elohim all to myself.
I treasured the numbered Torah Readings because of the questions that tie the Old to the New Testament. Such clarity, insight and probing!!
The Weekly Scripture Readings will make Messianic conversion possible for many. I will give this Bible to anyone who will accept it, especially those for whom it is intended.
Lastly, the glossary is indispensable for kedoshim of non Hebraic descent like me. Thank you and Shalom, as always!

I love the TLV!!!!

I currently have a hard cover of the tlv Bible and I just recently ordered the giant print tlv Bible. I love this translation because I am learning so much about the Jewish community culture and the heritage that I inherited as a Christian learning more and more about yeshua the Messiah and learning about Adonai our heavenly father. I am so excited because I am learning so much and I enjoy learning about the TLv Bible.

I bought these Bibles to give to people. I love this translation.

A Cherished and Exquisite Bible

The written word has always been a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path. I appreciate what I hold in my hands, and will be honored to pass it on to my family. The craftsmanship is simply incredible. Thank you for the vision.

Love the TLV Bible and App

Absolutely love the read using the proper names of Yahweh. We love the app as well and listen to Daniah's Proverb of the day everyday. I then share the verse of the day and Proverb of the day with all of my family.

Absolutely love these Bibles

My husband and I truly love the translation. I originally ordered the $25 paperback version. Very sturdy for a paperback. Then my husband ordered the “leatherette” one and I had to purchase one for myself. Love the feel and weight and love that it’s so thin compared to other Bibles. And the glossary is a bonus!! I highly recommend this translation- my husband and I do our studies together with this and use Tanach as well. Thank you so much!! And yes, I colored the leaves with a pen. :)

Thank you for such a beautiful Bible. It was a surprise how well made this Bible was. I love the glossary. It actually had something I looked up first thing! The pronouns for the Godhead are all capitalized (something even my secular high school teacher knew to teach us)! Thank you. The Bible is not only beautiful it is, this is hard to describe, it is soft and flexes and, because it's the Word of G-d it is easy to treasure and when reading I sometimes embrace it and feel glad that I have His Word. Kind of schmaltzy, I know....

Biblical Calendar.

I am so thankful I ordered and received the Biblical Calendar. It keeps me aware of where we are in the year and offers so many study items. I am also enjoying the proverb of the day commentary on the TLV app. The entire app is full of knowledge and wisdom I can glean from to help me better understand my walk with Yeshus.

Good for kids

I like that this is actual Scripture, and not a paraphrase. It's not a full Bible--portions are edited out. But it's nice for kids who are too young for some of the biblical narratives. We like the pictures, too.

Simply amazing!

My new Tree of Life Bible has been showing me so much that I didn’t know about the Bible and the history of Israel. I have been reading in both my Christian bible and my Tree of Life bible in my daily devotions. I am spending more time in devotions and am so blessed to have this new perspective on God’s Word. Thank you.

Love my TLV Bible

Love my tlv bible


This is such a beautiful Heritage Bible, absolutely worth it. It will make a great Family heirloom.

Wonderful Adventure!

Last year I asked the LORD for a new way to read my annual Bible through the next year, 2024. I have read through, & have loved many versions of His Word in my 76 years, yet I was yearning for a spiritual wake-up with a new way to read through His living, inspiring visits with me. This TLV version is amazing, and imspirational. Several years ago I had the JOY of visiting ISRAEL! The TLV has opened God's incredible insights into the history of His beloved, often enslaved, oppressed, victorious and unique chosen people! I feel like I've found a whole new awareness as I dive into the Torah and interact with God's special Bnei-Yisreal. I'm loving learning some Hebrew, I'm loving gifting this Bible to many of my friends as they find their own adventure in our grafted in family. The teaching areas giving info on how to approach reading through the week is great, the vibrant Sabbat section, the glossary, etc......WOW! My Bible reading has become essential and a constant delight, like mandatory family meetings and celebrations! And best of all, TLV draws me closer to Adonia, Yeshua, and Ruach ha-Kodesh!
Thank you all for this adventure. I pray for your success in bringing this Word to the world. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, & God's huge love, mercy and grace over Israel!
Blessings over you all at TLV Bible Society.

Kris L Broman
United States of America

Beautiful Bible

I love the Hebrew wording, it gives a deeper understanding of those days long past. TLV has done such a beautiful job.

EXCELLENT translation of the Holy Scriptures!

I use this Bible both at church and for my daily devotions. It fits easily into the bag I take to church. One day, when doing my daily devotion, I found some missing books in my copy. I emailed customer service, and within a week I had received a new copy. I thoroughly enjoy this translation and highly recommend it.

I love this Bible

I love my Messianic Jewish family Bible, it is a more authentic book than the Greek Bible. I want to ask if you would ever consider producing a pocket sized one, I would love to have one I could carry around with me.

We have several versions of the Bible in our home. I treasure the Tree of Life Bible the most..

Previously I was captivated by Msgr Knox's version because he was translating from Hebrew and Greek albeit in a bit (now) archaic English. With the Tree of Life Bible, I have gained a new perspective on both the Old and New Testaments. Thank you for your very valuable contributions.

Best Bible version ever and most beautiful gift from God

I have so many Bibles and love reading them and studying the word. I also love to share it, read it in public places and read it while doing ministry on the street and around the world. I just got the TLV Family Bible a couple months ago. I love it because it keeps much of the original Hebraic roots and Hebrew translations pure and undefiled by bad theology and misunderstandings.

Last week I was doing ministry in the provinces of the Philippines and read from my TLV Family Bible with several dozens of people and families. One very poor lady of two young children at the threshold of her humble home listened so intently to me read from it and cried. We gave her some food and hygiene necessities, but she softly asked, "Do you have a Bible that I could have?" So I gave her my TLV Family Bible. She admired it. She looked at it like it was the most precious thing she ever received. May God bless that woman and her children with His beautiful Word.