TLV Bible w/ 52 Torah Treasures Devotions (Bonded Leather)


This beautiful bonded leather edition of the TLV is a simple, portable bible that you can enjoy for years to come with 52 devotions specially written from the Tree of Life Version.

Take a new dive into the Torah with special devotions written by the Mandie & Daniah Greenberg.

With the full Biblical text from Genesis to Revelation, this Bible is in a still-readable 9pt font for concise reading enjoyment. Introduce someone to the freshness of the Tree of Life Version or add to your collection of TLV Bibles today!


  • Full Biblical Text
  • Torah Readings
  • Printed Biblical Section Tabs
  • "Better Bible Habits" Reading plan
  • 52 Parsha-based TLV Treasures Devotions

Along with other Key TLV Translation Features:

  • the Jewish order of the books of the Old Testament
  • the Jewish name of the Messiah, Yeshua 
  • reverence for the four-letter unspoken name of God
  • Hebrew transliterated terms, such as shalomshofar, and shabbat

The first Christians were Jews, and Christianity has its roots in the religion of God's chosen and called out people. Jesus's death and resurrection was not the beginning of a new religion but the fulfillment of the covenant God made with his people. Yet most Bible translations sacrifice the deep connection between the Jewish roots of our faith and the grafted-in Gentile branches, using imprecise English terms rather than Hebrew terms that encompass a fuller meaning. The Tree of Life Version (TLV) is a new Bible translation, produced by the Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society, which highlights the rich Hebrew roots of the Christian faith.

Item Details

Weight: 1.4 lbs
Dimensions:  8.75 x 5.75 x 1.25in
Binding: Bonded Leather
Font size: 9pt
Pages: 1424

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Learning Something New Every Day

I love my TLV bible with the Torah readings. Reading in this way seems so much more alive to me. Seeing the stories in the Torah, they are then referenced and confirmed in the NT.

Diane C.
I love Yeshua , our wonderful Creator & Redeemer

I really like what u did with GODs word but I should have gotten a large print Bible …Do u make a larger one? Please let me know God bless you all , Diane

Rita F.
My TLV with the 52 Torah Treasures

I love this Bible. The Tresures are wonderful and the wording is great, bringing to light things like church is called community. Having the Hebrews names in it. I'm going to order another one for me 90 year old Aunt. She loves the one I gave her but I want to give on with the 52 Torah Treasures in it. Thank you, Shalom to Israel

Geoffrey T.
Beautiful Wonderful Bible... Excellent wording!

Recommended to everyone!

Constance Z.
TLV Bible w/ 52 Treasures, " I'm Yours! Body, Mind and Soul"

At the tender age of 77 years, I read the KJV Bible from cover to cover for the first time in my life. This year at the mature age of 78 years, I am reading the TLV Bible w/ 52 Treasures through and through. I feel blessed, as though I am in a sukkah w/ the LORD, Ben Elohim and Ruach Elohim all to myself.
I treasured the numbered Torah Readings because of the questions that tie the Old to the New Testament. Such clarity, insight and probing!!
The Weekly Scripture Readings will make Messianic conversion possible for many. I will give this Bible to anyone who will accept it, especially those for whom it is intended.
Lastly, the glossary is indispensable for kedoshim of non Hebraic descent like me. Thank you and Shalom, as always!

Marguerite S.

Thank you for such a beautiful Bible. It was a surprise how well made this Bible was. I love the glossary. It actually had something I looked up first thing! The pronouns for the Godhead are all capitalized (something even my secular high school teacher knew to teach us)! Thank you. The Bible is not only beautiful it is, this is hard to describe, it is soft and flexes and, because it's the Word of G-d it is easy to treasure and when reading I sometimes embrace it and feel glad that I have His Word. Kind of schmaltzy, I know....