Purim commemorates God saving the Jewish people in ancient Persia from Haman’s plot “to destroy, slay, and annihilate all the Jews – from the youth to the elderly, both little children and women – on a single day, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month…” as recorded in the book of Esther.
Needless to say, Haman’s plot was revealed, Mordechai was exulted, Queen Esther was favored, King Ahasuerus was moved by God, and the Jewish people were saved from destruction.
We celebrate Purim as a joyous festival every year – on the same exact day the Jewish people found relief from their enemies – as a reminder that God continues to save His children yesterday, today and forever.
What the adversary planned for evil, God used for good.

Is Purim a Biblical Holiday?
Yes, and no.
In Leviticus 23, God ordained “holy-days” to observe throughout our generations forever. They are commonly referred to as “Feasts” and they include Passover, The Feast of Weeks, Shavuot, The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, and The Feast of Tabernacles.
Because they were commanded by God to observe, we believe these holidays take priority over every other celebration.
Purim and Chanukah are memorial celebrations. They are a historical event that happened in antiquity, and we observe them to remember the wonders of God and not fall prey to evil schemes.
In the book of Esther – if you pay attention to who is speaking – it was Mordechai and a decree by the King that commanded the Jewish people to celebrate Purim as a holiday every year (read Esther 9:20-32).
We believe it’s critically important to take note when God is the one speaking and when He isn’t.

How is Purim celebrated?
Purim is often loved the most by children! It is a multi-sensory celebration with theatre plays, delicious food and little triangle-shaped cookies, arts and crafts, and lots of noisemakers! It’s quite an experience! It’s also traditional for the children to dress up as a character from the Esther story for the day.