Why Another Bible Study?

Why Another Bible Study?

Why Another Bible Study?

At the height of their popularity, Bible studies came in a couple of general formats:

  • Topical or book studies – In these, one would learn various definitions of words and what the Bible had to say about the chosen subject in different books.
  • Informational Bible studies – Here, one could learn everything from the depths of the Dead Sea to the arguments for the northern Galatian theory of Pauline authorship.

The Problem with Traditional Studies

What these two types of studies have in common is that they are chock-full of information and are often just a summation of another’s perspective, designed to be adopted by the one engaged in the study.

Most recently, studies have devolved into restatements of Bible passages, leaving blank spaces for the reader to fill in—ostensibly to increase Bible literacy, but often leaving the reader:

  • Unfulfilled
  • Without the ability to make connections
  • Reduced to basic reading comprehension—something elementary schools once provided

A New Approach: Induction on Steroids

Our Bible study rejects these ineffective methods.

The Bible itself models and requires a different approach.

The middlemen of the Bible, the Levites, had the unique job—recorded in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah—of explaining the Bible after it was heard/read and absorbed by the people.

  • The Levites responded to questions and provided deeper meaning.
  • They explained not only what God meant but also how Scripture applied to daily life.

❌ No fill-in-the-blanks.
❌ No "how deep is the sea?" exercises.
✅ Just deep, meaningful engagement.

Information vs. True Knowledge

The Canon of Scripture itself shows us:

Information is distinct from true knowledge.

According to Proverbs, knowledge exists in tandem with:

  • Humility
  • Deep reverence
  • Discretion
  • An intentional pursuit of wisdom
  • An openness to correction

Knowledge requires marinating in the Scriptures—listening both to others and to God.

It is not just mere information (something the average social media user is well familiar with), but it is the impetus for a course of conduct, making us like Him, the true source of all wisdom and knowledge.

How the Bible Communicates Knowledge

  • The Torah teaches through historical events and narrative.
  • The Prophets use inspiration, imagery, and drama.
  • The Wisdom Books require discernment—perceiving relationships between events and their deeper meaning.

"A proverb in the mouth of a fool is like a man with lame legs or a drunk wielding a thorn bush."

But why? What does this teach us about wisdom? About action? About the way knowledge is meant to be applied?

The Bible requires that knowledge be born out of:

  • Keen observation
  • A listening ear
  • A mind that acknowledges a Creator who is constantly communicating

We must go beyond mere information.

What You Will Gain from Our Bible Study

With our Bible study, you will:

Learn careful reading
Become aware and sensitive to historical context
Understand Jewish usage and meaning
Hone your logic skills and understand precedent
Learn to interpret Scripture according to a rule of unity and understand the reasoning process of inference to derive sound principles

Guided by Questions, Rooted in Community

For all of this, questions will lead you to portions of Scripture that will require, in increasing fashion, the above skills.

Like the child who is inspired to ask a question at Passover, the questions posed in our study will guide you toward answers—answers that cannot be grasped alone but require a community devoted to a common goal.

Gone is the lone believer struggling to find an answer that only another holds.

Beyond the Text: Application & Transformation

With our Bible study, the text is just the beginning.

The only other man called the "teacher of the law," named by name besides Yeshua, is Ezra.

Ezra 7:10 reveals his threefold approach to understanding the Bible:

  1. He studied it.
  2. He applied it to his life.
  3. He taught it to others.

Our Bible study will facilitate all three—in order.

Mining the Depths of Scripture

Our Bible study will expose the deepest relationships between:

  • Biblical concepts
  • Words
  • The insights of those who have gone before and the new student

To mine these depths, the other skills must first be mastered.

Once a student is skilled in understanding and application, only then is he or she ready for the adventure of finding the jewels stuck in the darkness, waiting to be found.

Are You Ready?

If you are ready to learn the Scriptures in a Jewish way…
If you want to train your mind and heart to receive true knowledge in the same way that Yeshua chose to train His earthly mind…

Come along.

If you are ready to leave behind an approach that supplies parts without relationship…
Perspective without ownership…
And will never insult your intelligence or yearning to know more…

👉 We are waiting. 

Get our Pathways Through Torah Workbook Today!

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