What is the TLV Bible Translation?

What is the TLV Bible Translation?

What is the TLV Bible Translation?

The Tree of Life Version (TLV) is a distinctive and authoritative Messianic Jewish translation of the Bible, faithfully covering the entire Hebrew Bible and the traditional New Testament (Genesis to Revelation). Created by a team of Jewish believers in Jesus (Messianic Jews) alongside Christian scholars, the TLV restores the Jewish context, culture, and linguistic richness of the Scriptures, offering readers a deeper and more authentic understanding of the Bible's original message.

Key Features of the TLV:

  1. Jewish Perspective: The TLV is the first translation undertaken by a team of Jewish believers in Jesus (Yeshua). This perspective offers a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical context of the Scriptures.

  2. Hebrew Transliteration: Key Hebrew terms are transliterated to convey their full meaning, which might be lost in direct English translation. For example, "shalom" is used instead of "peace" to express a sense of wholeness or oneness with God.

  3. Jewish Book Order: The Old Testament follows the traditional Jewish division into the Torah (Law), Prophets, and Writings. This structure reflects classical Jewish tradition, honors the Hebraic roots of Scripture, and provides a unique lens through which to understand the narrative arc of the Bible.

  4. Restoration of Names: The TLV restores the Hebrew names of significant figures, such as referring to Jesus as "Yeshua," to highlight their Jewish heritage.

  5. Sacred Name of God: The translation maintains reverence for the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), the four-letter unspoken name of God, by using the term "ADONAI" which reflects traditional Jewish practice.

  6. Inclusive Language: While focusing on gender equality, the TLV avoids gender neutrality, aiming for accuracy and inclusivity without altering the original meanings.

  7. Additional Resources: The TLV includes features like a glossary of Hebrew terms, original maps of Israel, and Hebrew prayers, enhancing the reader's understanding of the Jewish context.

The TLV is available in various formats, including a Family Bible edition that offers unique Jewish Roots Reading Plans, book introductions, and other educational resources.

For those interested in digital access, the TLV Bible App provides the full text along with additional features like a calendar of Biblical holidays, weekly readings, and educational videos.

By integrating these elements, the TLV provides readers with a translation that reflects the original Jewish context of the Scriptures, offering a richer and more nuanced understanding of the Bible.