A New Beginning

A New Beginning

A New Beginning

Mandie Greenberg-Kelley here to share some momentous news!

In the months before my beloved father passed away, he told my mother that if she ever re-married, she should make sure that her next great love was a cowboy - someone who would love and care for her the way she deserved. Rabbi Mark was always concerned for her well-being, even in the haze of his final days. Heck, before the dementia truly took over, my father even made sure to move our little tribe to Texas, where cowboys abound! Everything my father did was to be the best provider that he possibly could be, even if he wouldn't see it all come to pass in his lifetime. 
And now, nearly two years after his passing, Rabbi Mark's wish came true. His beloved Daniah found a cowboy who would look after her in his stead. Which is why it is so exciting for the Greenberg Tribe to announce the marriage of our matriarch and founder, Daniah Greenberg, to Richard Bartee, a native Texan with a background in operations and logistics management who loves Messiah Yeshua. 
Their love story echoes many that have come before and many yet to come: a blind date and a romance straight out of a country song - complete with a dog, a tractor, and a set of spurs.
So, here is their story in Daniah's own words. We hope that you'll pray for many years of happiness along with us as we start a new chapter in our lives. 
With great joy,
- Mandie Greenberg Kelly



Daniah & Richard at Courhouse

Glory to God in the Highest!  My Heavenly Father has brought me love again.  Richard Bartee asked me to be his wife, and we were married under the wedding canopy during the Feast of Tabernacles.  I am so delighted to share my joy with you now!
The past few years have been extremely difficult in losing my beloved late husband, Rabbi Mark Greenberg.  That was such a long and painful illness.  Thank you for your love and prayers.  
Mark wasn't just my husband; he was also my rabbi.  He is truly irreplaceable.  And, in all my ministry life, I have tried to be brutally honest, especially with myself.  The honest truth is that I have been just so lost without him. And due to the nature of his illness, the process of his departure was torturously long. 
So, I made myself a suit of armor - 54 colorful, long, flowy dresses and plenty of cowboy boots.  I plastered a smile on my face and listened to endless worship music and prayed without ceasing through every trial. I just felt so alone, through his last year and the year that followed without him. My heart was broken into a million tiny pieces.  
While I grieved, I would fantasize about what a great witness for Messiah I would be...   and what miracles I could do...   if I just shut my mouth and kept serving day after day.  But eventually, I realized I was fooling myself.  I was created to love and be loved. I had been developed - by God - into a wife and mother. God had invested - through Mark's love - over 34 years of building miraculous faith into my life. 
In Jewish tradition, we only allow ourselves to grieve for eleven months after someone's passing. So when my time of mourning was complete, I prayed. And then, a few months after that, I surrendered. I remember telling God, "There are only two choices here. Either you have someone YOU have already chosen for me or I will give my life to YOU only.  I guess that would make me a nun (of sorts)."
A little while later, I allowed myself to be set up on a blind date.  I was nervous and awkward.  I'm sure I looked a mess but I forced myself to walk out the door that day.  After all, if this didn't work out - I'd be fine.  I just had to know what God wanted.  That's how I met Richard.  One date turned into three, and then three turned into a dozen. And over our time together, God made it clear that this man was my future husband. So! Let me share about how grateful I am to be the wife of a man who sincerely embodies 1 Corinthians 13. 
Richard is kind. He reached out for my hand on our first date when I got too nervous to speak. He is industrious and he has a solid work ethic.  He is righteous and he is full of integrity. He is loving and compassionate - he doesn't turn away from people in pain but responds with empathy and grace.
Richard is just plain good - he took care to reach out to each of my children and form relationships with them.  He is sweet and romantic, sharing his heart through music videos. He is hilarious, because my quirkiness always gives him plenty of new material. He is strong, so my calling doesn't intimidate him.  
Richard is compassionate. He listens with both his ears and his heart.  He is patient. I knew this from the moment we met and he told me about going through hospice with his late wife who died battling cancer. He is wonderful, he loves God - and me, too.  He is brave. He can tell me 'no' without apology when I need to hear it. He doesn't keep a running record of mistakes or flubs, forgiving freely while keeping people accountable at the same time. 
Richard is a southern gentleman and a real-life cowboy.  He is truly the "joy of my new life!"  And, frankly, he is also very smart because he knew I would never make it as a 'nun.' 
I can't describe the amazing joy of finding love again.  I only know that THIS is what my beloved Mark wanted for me. I know because he told me so. 

Thank you so much for all your prayers and support! Thank you especially to our faithful donors who support our mission. It is through the ongoing financial contributions of our ministry supporters that we are able to continue our divinely appointed mission to safeguard the Word of God from digital manipulation and misuse.

So, thank you, thank you, thank you!

- Daniah Greenberg


  • That’s our God. My heart is glad for you guys. So happy for you. You’ve bless my heart with you devotion to Almight God.

    Wendell Hill on

  • Danish, our stories are similar… I lost Don Rudolph after 38 yrs of love & life to ALS with a dementia component. I was 57, thought I’d be single for the rest of my life… BUT G-d! After only 18 mos, I was head over heels in love again to Brent Johnson! We are now Global Workers and direct Jacob’s Hope ministry, bringing hope to Jewish people through the love and compassion of Messiah Yeshua.
    Aren’t we glad for Adonai’s hidden plans for our good! The second time around at at a mature age is so precious!
    BTW… LOVE your wisdom and insight in the daily Proverbs devotional!
    Bonnie Johnson

    Bonnie Johnson on

  • Thank you for sharing your beautiful story I am new to TFL but your daily proverbs have become a vital part of my quiet time they are so down to earth and warmly inspiring thank you

    Penny Scott on

  • Such a beautiful story of faith and love! May the Lord continue to bless you both and your families in this most precious union! So Happy for you dear sister and friend!
    The Carr family!

    Chava and Aza Carr on

  • What a wonderful & beautiful blessing your story is. I’m so happy for you that God gave you someone new to love; one who loves the Lord with his whole heart and then, you. Many blessings to you, both.

    Sandra Jay on

  • Congratulations! Beautiful couple. Long life and happiness.

    John Gomez on

  • Congratulations! Mazel Tov! As an Arizonan who grew up around horses, a genuine cowboy is every quality Richard exudes. First and foremost, deep love of G-d, family, and community. Not to mention all of creation. Congratulations again, may you and yours be abundantly blessed with joy and shalom!

    Peter Aaron Tappen on

  • I am soooo happy for you, Daniah. When I heard on your podcast that you got remarried, I thanked God for blessing you with another good man to share your life with.

    Rachel Karolus on

  • What a beautiful love story. Congratulations to the two of you on your new journey. I pray that God will continue to pour out His blessings on you both. 💞🎉🙌🏼

    Lisa Nevarez on

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