Crisis in Israel

Crisis in Israel

Crisis in Israel

Oct 7th in Memoriam

Today, one full year after the horrific terrorist attack on Israel, our hearts still ache to see peace emerge. We mourn with those who are mourning, especially during these Days of Awe. Like a family torn apart by jealousy and lies, no one can begin to imagine the pain caused by generations of sibling rivalry and ill will.  Thankfully, our Promised Messiah, Yeshua, dealt with no less despair, no less conflict, no less oppression and still preached love and forgiveness to the fractured society all around Him.


Somehow, we think to ourselves: "Isn't it time? When will the 'cup of reeling' finally disappear forever?"  Let me assure you, God will not be mocked.  He is saving His people and blessing His inheritance generation after generation. He is faithful to His Word and to His people. 


Today, as we pray for the remaining hostages to be released, we also pray for the survivors on both sides throughout the Middle East. We pray for the children scarred by battle, the parents broken by the loss of their children, the communities ravaged by war and terror. We pray for freedom from the oppression that Israel's neighbors suffer under their terrorist regimes. We pray for softened hearts and contrite spirits. We pray that this war would cease, that families would be reunited, and that baseless hatred would be erased by the love of our Messiah Yeshua. 


May His peace reign in the highest heights and upon all Israel. 


Original Statement

Daniah Greenberg here.  I have been receiving inquiries about horrible terrorist attacks in Israel and we are providing these important scriptural insights as we provide a statement on the current turmoil and war in Israel.


Our God has set eternity in the hearts of men and every human life is an expression of God’s love alive on the earth.  Today, the only answer is for all God’s children to unite in prayer and humanitarian aid for the Nation of Israel.


At this time in human history, the Eternal One of Israel is STILL watching and waiting for peace between Abraham’s sons. I believe His heart is broken over this war.


Knowing full well that the need for resolution of the dreams of Palestinian families living in Israel is still very real, God hates bloodshed, period.

Right now, my friends and loved ones are being called up for service in the Israeli Defense Force.  Right now, my family and friends are praying for a miraculous end to this terrorism... or even more lives will be lost.


As Jewish Bible believers shining the light of Yeshua, the mixed religious views of these events in Israel brings tears to my eyes.


Please hear my heart for the salvation of all Israel.


Israel was brutally attacked by terrorists on the exact Biblical Holiday – The Feast of Tabernacles – that foreshadows the celebration of God’s establishing His Holy Kingdom: The New Jerusalem.  This is the holy day prophesied in Zechariah when all Israel would be saved and both heaven and earth would be united for the glory of God. 


The eighth day of this particular season is most holy to God and our American Thanksgiving Holiday was actually modeled after it.  Just imagine what a brutal attack on this day means to Jews and Christians alike.  And, I am certain Muslims would be equally outraged if their holy feasts were violated. Now, imagine how evil terrorists are to purposefully violate the minds of families and children with this unmitigated death and destruction. This is NOT about which brother is better or whose ‘God’ is stronger! Heaven forbid!


This is about indoctrinating another whole generation with fear. This will only advance more evil that we can never forget and revenge we CANNOT bear to entertain. 


This battle cannot be won with only guns and bombs. The children of terrorists who succeed today will only breed the terrorists of tomorrow.  And if you need proof, you need only to read Genesis to discover patterns of destruction.


The Holy Bible – from Genesis to Revelation is founded on the Torah of Moses.  The Torah is the foundation of our faith for over 3400 years and the Eternal One of Israel is the One we serve no other.  To love God – and your neighbor as yourself – is the sacred truth contained therein. 

Those two commands are universal and immutable.  And with every generation, brothers that love one another prosper while brothers that kill one another destroy generations of peace.


 And the reason I trust Israel’s leaders is because ADONAI (The Lord) is with Israel. And I mean all Israel, including the Palestinian people and families who live there.  Please pray for Israel’s Leaders who, like us, must answer to God. And, to fight terrorism is to fight cowards unwilling to pursue peace, using human shields to hide their hatred and unforgiveness.  I thank God that my country, The United States of America, is standing strong with Israel and all her people.


Likewise, I am begging my Christian brothers to forcibly change the focus of their prayers from an apocalyptic view of the book of Revelation to instead pray for a future and a hope for all God's children throughout the Middle East. 


The Holy Bible’s message of forgiveness is revealed in the story of Joseph, hidden in plain sight just like our Messiah Yeshua is today. Joseph, in Egyptian clothes and on Pharoah’s throne, rescued his very brothers that tried to kill him. While their father, Jacob was alive, Joseph provided food and clothing and land for their safety and prosperity. But, they may never have felt truly safe and fully loved.? How do we know this? Because after Jacob died, they went to Joseph and told him their dead father wanted them to ask for his forgiveness after all.


This means that after years of loving and providing for them, Joseph's brothers still weren't sure that they were loved and accepted as part of the family. Now ask yourself, do you think Abraham would be cheering these modern-day terrorists on?  Do you think the God that promised Abram a son would encourage this war? I believe "our father Abraham" would be begging for them to put down their weapons and restore the loved ones to their families.


I know the God of Abraham personally, and He changes not. There are no ‘holy wars’ that please God ever.


Please let me remind you, Israel is the name of a people, not just a land mass.  Without people, there is no need for land.  This war is not about land, this war is about people.  Blood defiles land and defiled land uproots people. Especially innocent women and children. 


Jews call that land ‘The State of Israel,’ because the people of Israel is much bigger than the land. As a believer  in Messiah, Yeshua (aka Jesus Christ) I am a member of the ‘Commonwealth of Israel’ by choice. And while there is plenty of talk about terrorists entering boarders of many nations these days, remember that there are more of us that believe and trust in the Eternal One of Israel than ‘them.’ 


I am asking you to remember that I represent people longing for peace.  Jesus Christ, Yeshua the Messiah, is the Prince of Peace, not a god of war.

 The Holy Bible lights the way to peace with the power of forgiveness. 


Today, I want to challenge you that God changed Jacob’s name to Israel after he ‘wrestled with God.’  But what story needs more eyeballs is that Jacob was terrified to meet his long lost brother Esau the next day.  But Esau greeted him with love and spoke of them returning to the land together.  Instead, Jacob settled elsewhere.  I guess he was not able to respond to  his brother's love. Meanwhile, even further back, when Abraham died, Ishmael and Isaac buried him together.  But did they bury their sibling rivalry?


The Eternal One of Israel is the only one who can heal a broken relationship, especially within family.  But, we humans can keep destroying each other with hatred and pain for centuries.  Make no mistake, the reason having faith in a Messiah that is also God’s Son is so powerful – is because having God Himself become the sacrifice silences every argument that tears families apart.


Individual traumas can be forgiven by individuals.  National traumas can be forgiven by nations.  But family traumas can reach across generations and only stop when adults love their children enough to stop the bloodshed.  Please, God, intervene on behalf of our children!  Save Your people and bless Your inheritance. 


If you would like to send a donation to the families who have lost loved ones in this horrible tragedy, please click the link below.  100% of your funds will go directly to the suffering and grieving in Israel.

Go to Donate



  • Brother Daniel, Thank you for your insights but mostly for your heartfelt plea to the body of Christ to turn our prayers toward God’s heart and perspective. Your words opened my eyes to praying more for reconciliation, praying for both our beloved Jewish Israelites and the children of Islam; removing hatred, fear, rivalry and filling all with God’s love in Yeshua. Thank you again for your well composed words!

    Shelley Prior on

  • My heart is with Israel. I long for God to grant them victory and peace. My prayers for them are small but are from the heart and are so hopeful that our God will grant them. Shalom my brothers, shalom soon…

    Roy Hale on

  • I love Israel. I always have. And I stand for Israel in prayer and will support it financially. My prayer is for peace in the Middle East, and the salvation of Israel.

    Dennis Miles on

  • Those of us in Africa are watching and praying for Israel. The battle is the Lord’s. He never lost a battle. Peace unto Israel.

    Nkechi Emma -Ekeoba on

  • I pray for peace, His presence and protection over Israel and the Middle East. Lord God give Your strategies, wisdom and insight to those IDF soldiers standing for peace in Yeshua’s mighty name✨

    Cyndi Helle on

  • Be still and know that Yeshua is God. Iam with you Daniah in prayer for promised land.

    Lucy on

  • Well written comments on the tragic events perpetrated in Israel by HAMAS, whose very name defines their organization, their evil agenda. Just reading in Isaiah 13 sounds like the gruesome murders of innocents we know happened that evening and it is beyond cruelty to be filled with hatred. It is demonic! I have donated through another organization and intend to pray for the will of GOD to guide Israel who has every right to defend their citizens. GOD bless His people everywhere in the world.

    Rebecca Fahrubel on

  • I fully agree with you Daniah. It is a family feud and need to be made know that Father Abraham does not like his household to be troublesome. Jesus said through Rick Joyner that He is neither for Israel or their enemies, but I stand for righteousness and justice (Psalm 97:2,Psalm 89:14) Jesus said to Abraham “I will bless those that bless you and curse those that curse you. Israel is a covenant nation with Yeshua. Also through David Yeshua says”Psalm 89:20-23. I pray the war stops. Be blessed.

    Ronnie Govender on

  • God bless Israel and God bless the innocent in this war. Children are being slaughtered because of ignorance.
    Hatred breeds hatred.
    May the God of Israel protect His children.

    Linda Hernandez on

  • I joined with the shabbot candle lighting this evening in solidarity with Israel. Praying every day for peace and an end to this immoral act against God and his chosen people.

    Judy on

  • Shabbat Shalom, Daniah. It will have to be from my next pension as I have already donated elsewhere. My heart is with Jacob-Israel.

    Barbaranne McGrady on

  • Thank you Daniah…this is beautifully stated and heartfelt.I am in agreement and praying with you and thanking God for the victory that His Son Yeshua has already purchased for all mankind.
    Shabbat Shalom,Bonita Melendez

    Bonita Melendez on

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